116 Oceanport Avenue
Building #2, 2nd Floor
Little Silver, NJ 07739
Advanced Pilot Season w/Elana Safar
Thu, Feb 10
Pilot Season is around the corner!!! Hone your acting skills now w/Elana Safar in Advanced Pilot Season Class. ***VIRTUAL ONLY Thursday: Ages 9-12: February 10th- 7-8:30pm ET Ages 13+: February 17th 7-8:30pm ET SpillOver Classes,Tues 2/8: 9-12YRS: FEB8TH- 7-8:30pm ET TEEN/ADULTS: FEB15TH-7-8:30pm ET

Time & Location
Feb 10, 2022, 7:00 PM – Feb 17, 2022, 8:30 PM
About the Event
Pilot Season is around the corner! Hone your on camera skills, sharpen your memorization and personal prep work before self tape coachings, work with other advanced performers in hand-selected sides from competitive and current projects, focus on technique and connection work, and be READY for when the big tape requests start coming in. Looking forward to seeing all the talented students working together and learning from each other in the process.Â
Scenes will be sent 48 hours prior. Limited to 6 participants.
It's pilot season, so now is the time to stay ready: Auditioning for pilots as well as increased opportunities for co-stars and guest stars...we cover it all in this amazing class!
Ages 9-12: February 10th- 7-8:30pm ET
Ages 13+: February 17th 7-8:30pm ET
$90 per ticket
Spill Over Classes, Tuesdays:
Ages 9-12: February 8th 7-8:30pm ET
TEENS/ADULTS: February 15th 7-8:30pm ET
Ages:9-12 Feb 10th 7-8:30pm ET
VIRTUAL CLASS Ages:9-12 Thursday:Feb 10th 7-8:30pm ET
$90.00Sold OutAges: 13+ Feb 17th 7-8:30pm ET
VIRTUAL CLASS Ages:13+ Thursday: Feb 17th 7-8:30pm ET
$90.00Sold OutTues,Feb 8th,9-12yr 7-8:30pmET
SPILLOVER CLASS: Tuesday, February 8th, Ages 9-12, 7pm-8:30pm ET **VIRTUAL**
$90.00Sale endedTues,Feb15th,Teens/Adlts,7pmET
Tuesday, February 15th, Teens & Adults, 7-8:30pm ET **VIRTUAL CLASS ON ZOOM**
$90.00Sold Out